Wednesday, December 25, 2019

T-POPS - Tokyo Style Popcorn

If you know me, you know I love an Asian market. Whenever I see one while running errands or find on Yelp by accident, I try to make a note for later to go there and check out what they have.

On the way home from work one day, I was running some errands, and in the shopping plaza I was at, there was an Asian market - so I went in.

Usually, the method to my madness while shopping (unless I'm pressed for time or know for a fact I'm there for something specific), I walk the store - taking note of the things that catch my interest, and then if enough things interest me, I'll go back up front for a basket or cart and do some shopping.

So now... in no particular order...

Earthy & Aromatic Nori (Toasted Seaweed) [120 calories]

It smells like nori - a little salty but not overly-seasoned.

The popcorn itself looks like regular salted popcorn (no butter), and it feels like it may have been dusted with something. lighted dusted with minced seaweed and has the usual feel of salted popcorn.

The taste is great. I love my popcorn salted but not overly so, and this is perfect.

Savory & Rich Tarako (Salted Cod Roe) [120 calories]

I can't really place the smell. It's not unpleasant, but it is a little confusing.

It looks like regular popcorn to me, but the taste? It's much saltier than the nori popcorn.

Saltier than nori and even though my PMS would love this salt, me as a person enjoys less salt.

Sweet & Creamy Matcha (Green Tea) [140 calories]

The smell is not sweet, but it has that matcha scent (combined with the popcorn itself, the matcha scent is slightly masked).

The look reminds me of Fiddle Faddle or Crunch n Munch - as if it were toffee coated, but I don't smell any sweetness at all.

But it tastes sweet. I'm trying to find the matcha flavor but can't find it. If anything, it tastes perhaps of a matcha latte - like matcha mixed with milk Good but I taste sweeter than plain matcha

Light & Toasty Sesame (Nori & Salt) [110 calories]

This one smells really light, and the popcorn looks like popcorn.

The flavor was most likely popped using sesame oil due to the name, and I really like that flavor. (I should try popping popcorn with sesame oil next time.) I get maybe a whisper of the nori which is fine, but it doesn't stand out. The flavor is light, not overpowered with any seasoning.

I really like it.

Spicy & Aromatic Curry (Mixed Spices & Herbs) [110 calories]


Okay, I have tried a variety of curry food items, and sometimes the curry can get a little heavy-handed. With this flavor, it again looks like regular popcorn, no seasoning visibly present. It definitely smells of curry, but when you eat it? The taste is not overpowering and very tasty

Each bag is 21 grams, and a serving size is one whole bag.

My favorites from this batch were the Toasted Sesame and Nori. The others were okay, but they don't stand out to me like the two I mentioned. I need to go back and get more at some point. And also to see if they came out with any other flavors.

Later my lovelies.

Have Goodness!


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