Friday, December 13, 2019

dang Toasted Coconut Chips - Savory Bacon

Okay. I found another coconut chip in my stash so hey - why not talk about it now?

First off - BACON!

I often joke being Filipino that pork is one of my basic food groups, but yeah - I love pork. Oddly enough I don't eat it as much as I used to, but I still partake once in a while.

Is it just me or does that sound similar to "I only drink socially"?

Anyway, back to these bacon coconut chips.

Once I opened the bag, I smell bacon right away. No coconut. Just bacon.

The coconut slivers look toasted - they have a light brown hue. And there's no powder on them.

Tasting one chip, I can taste a little bit of bacon, but this snack is vegan. So let me explain.

The ingredients are coconut, Bacon Seasoning, and Coconut Oil. The "Bacon Seasoning" is comprised of: Cane Sugar, Salt, Onion Powder, Garlic Powder, Chili Powder, Pepper, Bacon Flavor.

What the frak is "Bacon Flavor"? I can understand calling something "Bacon Seasoning" and then listing all the spices that make up that seasoning. That's like with Pumpkin Spice or Chai Spice, but bacon flavor in bacon seasoning?

Anyway, moving on.

The bag is 2.82oz and lists one serving as an ounce - leaving three servings per bag.

Overall, this treat wasn't my favorite. As much as I love bacon, I would prefer bacon-flavored treats -vegan or otherwise - to actually taste like bacon. And these tasted like barbecue chips to me, and if I wanted those, I'd just buy those chips.

Later my lovelies.

Have Goodness!

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