Sunday, July 19, 2009

Wonka's Sour Puckerooms Gummies

Long time no hear from me. Yeah I know the countless number of you out there that actually read this thing is close to nil, but still, it's been a while since I've had access to the grand old internets to post anything here... or anywhere for that matter.

But now I'm here stealing time on a friend's laptop to update you on the lovely things that I have partaken in and have not yet told you about. In my bag of empty boxes, labels and assorted tricks, I have first grabbed Wonka's Sour Puckerooms Gummies.

Stopping off at a candy shop while on the way to a friend's birthday gathering, I had browsed the store for new and tasty treats... and came across some sour candy goodness that I just had to try. (Sour gummies being a weakness of mine and sour candy, overall, being a curiosity, I bought several candies that promised via their labels to be 'sour'.

Now let me state right off the bat that I'm a selfish connoisseur of sour candy. I'm very particular of how much sour is needed to make me happy, but I have disappointingly found that just because the package says 'sour', the contents of said package are not as advertised.

Case in point? - the Puckerooms.

Of the three candies that I bought that day, I had tried the Puckerooms second and found them more enjoyable than the first candies (which I'll post about next). The Puckerooms were slightly more sour but still not pleasantly pucker-worthy, but the consistency of the candy was softier and gummier than the first I had tried. (Plus the little shrooms are so cute.)

The candies themselves are yummy enough to enjoy on their own and will sate that 'I want something sweet but not necessarily too sweet' craving. But as far as sour? Eh. It was like perhaps a three or four sour on a scale of ten, ten being my mouth looking more puckered than a cat's anus... um, but in a more pleasant way. *grin*

Would I try it again?: Of course. They were still yummy and happy-making for me, even though they weren't as sour-riffic as I would have liked.

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