Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sour Razzles

Once upon a time a little Asian girl wanted some sour candy... so she went into a beautiful candy store in search of treats. As she walked about the store, she found that there weren't many options for what she was looking for, but she did find three and purchased them to later snack on and be happy.

The first candy said it was sour, but the taste was anything but... which made her sad.

The second candy was a little more sour than the first and yummy in its own right, but still... not what the girl was looking for.

Then there was the third candy.

She was skeptical at first having been let down not once... but twice before. Trying to remain hopeful, she opened the package and took out a piece of candy... and yea it was good. Not only was it good, but it was sour.

Praytell, thought the girl, what is this wonderful concoction that pleases me so?

Sour Razzles.

Huzzah for the sour candy!!! And there was much rejoicing. (And the little girl was happy and ended up not having to kill anyone out of boredom and lack of proper sour candy fulfillment.)
Forgive for the above story, but I was feeling silly.

But yes... Sour 'fucking' Razzles (available in the luscious flavors of lemon, cherry, lime, orange and blue raspberry).

Oh Razzles, how I love thee... even though in essence you are a crap candy in the respect that your flavor is nil-lasting. Seriously, for those of you that have never tasted a Razzle, the 'First it's a candy, then it's a gum' Razzle experience isn't all that great. It doesn't take that many chews for the flavor to take a hike leaving you with this gum that not only lacks flavor but, to me, tastes how silly putty looks causing me to want to stop chewing and spit it out almost immediately and quite possibly taking out someone's eye in the process.

Seriously, this candy made me happy and sad at the same time. I was overjoyed that I had found a confection that was adequately sour to make me happy... but then of course it has the shortest flavor lifespan. Whereas the other supposed sour candies weren't sour, at least they were long-lasting in the flavor department. It's like ordering a yummy steak and then having a piece of meat the size of a thimble brought to your table.

So sad.

But still... this is a candy I grew up introduced to me by a girl I went to school with back in the days of pigtails and ribbons. I think she got it for Halloween or something. Not sure what it is about Razzles that make me come back to them like a lover that's no good for you, but you just can't say no. (Wow, where the hell did that come from? Never mind... back to candy.)

To make the flavor last, I find that if you suck on the Razzle as opposed to chewing it right away works well. Granted, while executing this experiment, I was VERY tempted to chew and had to make a real effort not to.

Dammit... why can't I have long lasting sour flavor when I want it?


Fuck! I chewed it. *grumble*

Would I try it again?: Very likely. It wouldn't necessarily be something I would seek out, but knowing that there's candy out there that makes me happy... even for a very little while... is enough to make consider making the trek.

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