Sunday, July 19, 2009

GooGoo Cluster Supreme

Oh the chocolate... oh the yummy.

I love chocolate. I do. Not because I'm a girl or anything... just because. I must admit, however, that my obsession in consuming chocolate has gone down considerably as I've gotten older. I remember the days when I was very little and stole the bag of Hershey's miniatures from my mother after she gave me and my brother one a piece. I just wasn't having any of that... so I saw where she hid the bag and took it to consume to my satisfaction.

Nowadays my love of chocolate has perhaps become more refined and random. Still every once in a while if I see something that looks interesting or if I get a craving for something particular... oh yes, chocolate will be mine.

Such cravings I've had include chocolate, marshmallow and nuts (preferably not walnuts). So when I came across the lovely Goo Goo Clusters, why... I just had to have one.

They come in a variety of flavors, but the one I got consisted of milk chocolate, pecans, caramel and marshmallow. Yummy yum yum!

The treat may look small, but it definitely satisfies my sweet tooth with a just the right portion of deliciousness. It's just the right combination of all its tasty components to make the perfect bite every time until it's all gone.

Would I try it again?: Oh hell yes. Just looking at the website makes me want to try one of each with a nice glass of milk or a cup of coffee. Sweet!!!

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