Sunday, July 19, 2009

Lindt Hot Mango (Mango and Cayenne)

Ever since the movie "Chocolat", I have been curious about chocolate and chili powders. (That hot chocolate looked awesomely yummy!)

Also anything pomegranate or mango is just a 'yes' for me by default.

So when I saw this chocolate bar at the store, I thought "This should be interesting." And it was.

The chocolate bar is 70% cacao and quite yummy indeed, but it didn't leave me with a overwhelming urge to run out and buy another one. I could taste the spice more than the mango or chocolate which didn't leave me happy at all, but the chocolate overall was nice.

It's just not what I thought it would taste like, but let me state for the record that I didn't enter into the tasting of this chocolate with some preconceived notion that it should taste a certain way. I was just more impressed with the idea than the actual result.

Would I try it again?: Maybe, but it didn't leave enough of a lasting impression on me to make me want to seek it out again... even though I'm pretty sure where I can find it.

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