Sunday, July 19, 2009

Wazoo - Wild Berriez

Candy is good in moderation, and I'm all about portions, but dammit... this candy bar was so yummy, I'm pissed that I didn't get more than one.

I bought this candy bar on the way back from visiting my grandmother in SoCal with my brother and his family. I remember seeing it at the Circle K where we stopped for gas and snacks... and it looked so colorful and interesting. I hadn't seen it anywhere else before that I thought "Sure, why not".

The only flavor that was out was Wild Berriez, and I didn't eat the bar until the next day or so since I had bought one too many snacks and ended up driving the last leg of the trip home.

Oh, the sweet creamy goodness. The bar itself was sugary sweet but not too sweet (although you might think it from the picture alone... plus with all the extra candy on top). The consistency of the bar reminded me of a Charleston Chew at room temperature. Whenever I have a Charleston Chew, I usually stick it in the fridge and later eat it cold or frozen. I'm curious to see how the Wazoo would stack up to that kind of treatment.

Now the candy is made/distributed by Topps which makes me think of the nasty gum you get in packs of baseball cards. I had no idea that they were in the candy game at all. Hmmm... I'm curious to see what else they have.

Would I try it again?: I plan to... I just wonder if I can get both flavors next time. I'll probably buy extra and stick them in the fridge for later. *grin*

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