Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sour Jujyfruits

If you read the last post, you will know that I bought three different sour candies one day, trying the candy from the previous post second. (Did you catch all of that?) LOL!

The candy I tried first was none other than the ever popular and nostalgic Sour Jujyfruits... well, regular Jujyfruits are what people more commonly seem to know. But sour? Woot! (My friend that was with me that day said that making them sour was sacrilige. Oh well.)

The candy comes in five flavors: lime, grape, lemon, raspberry and orange. Normally with gummies or any candy, I go straight for the reds and purples because they taste the best... at least to me. None of these candies made me feel better about buying the box. There was almost NO SOUR with these candies. NONE! And that is SOOOO not happy-making for me. It's as if they held the Jujyfruits near the sour powder before packaging them.

Le sigh. Le disappoint. Le 'give me better candy'.

Seriously, if you're going to advertise that your candy is sour... make it sour, not just kind of sour. Look at the picture for crying out loud. The kids are puckering and making funny faces as if to say 'oh my gawd, this stuff is sour'.

Wouldn't that look great on the box? Kinda-Sour Jujyfruits. Or Completely-Not-Sour-At-All Jujyfruits. At least it it doesn't merit the title of Tastes-Like-Total-Ass Jujyfruits... but then again, that's not saying much.

Would I try it again?: Completely unlikely. Aside from the fact that I've only seen them in one place (which I don't go to very often), the chances of me seeking them out due to a craving for sub-par sour yumminess is pretty slim. *shrug*

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