Thursday, March 4, 2010

Nos Powershot

I have really weird body chemistry. I remember when I was younger (like perhaps from the age ten and younger) that medicine that warned it would make me drowsy, made me drowsy. As I got older, medicine and my inner-workings decided to not come to an understanding. Medication that warned “may cause drowsiness” ended up not doing anything… while other things that were supposed to keep me awake never did either. In order to get either effect, if success were to be achieved at all, I would have to take a much stronger dosage than the suggested amount.

Now I feel the need to explain something as an example: I was in a car accident many moons ago where my little car became an accordion with me and my friend inside. Post-accident, I was prescribed Vicodin, Soma and 800mg Motrin. The ER doctors, nurses, and pharmacists said that I could take them all together, but I’d be unconscious soon after. Taking all that into consideration, let me tell you that I drove on the meds. People were shocked, but the meds didn’t make me sleepy at all. I realized that my back and muscles felt better and that they didn’t feel as tight and twisted as they had before, but drowsy? Nope.

With that said, I’ve tried my hand at energy drinks (not all the time, just every once in a while) to wake me up in the mornings or when I’m driving to see my family three hours away. Coffee just doesn’t do it for me, and I hate it when people suggest it to me as a quick picker upper. It tastes good, but it doesn’t perk me up like it does with most of America. I thought energy drinks were like MANY cups of coffee in one shot so I had high hopes that it might do something. Alas, driving three hours, even with a huge can of energy downed and running its course through me, it did nothing, and I would still have to pull over and take a little nap.

Through many trials, I have tried TONS of energy drinks claiming to be awesome and provide much energy with no crash or whatever other bullshit they advertise. Now, I say “bullshit” because it didn’t work for me, but then again, I’m weird.

Finally I have found something that seems to work for me. I seem to stay awake with one full can of some energy drink combined with a tiny shot of energy. This combination leaves me alert, revived and not vibrating at all. Over the course of my travels, I haven’t been able to get the same two-drink combo every time so I am always forced to mix and match. So now it’s all about what tastes good.

In case you weren’t aware, let me tell you something. Energy drinks - they taste like ass if they’re not cold, and when I mean cold, I mean COLD! And sometimes even cold ones aren’t that great… to keep with the metaphor, they just taste like cold ass.

So while pit-stopping one day on my way to see my mother, I bought myself a tall can of energy and a small shot of one. The small shot of choice? – Nos Powershot (maximum boost formula). The small bottle also says “CAUTION: POWERFUL”, which of course I have to laugh since it’s not necessarily powerful enough for me.

Nos energy drinks are all right if there’s nothing else around. They don’t taste like any kind of ass, but they don’t leave with that “oh let’s make a smoothie out of that one” feelings. The Powershot is 2fl oz and 30 calories. What I find interesting per the back of the bottle is that it has barely anything, a little bit of sugar and carbs, but then I see it has 20mg of sodium. Everything else listed (save the energy crap which I expected there to be a fuck-ton of) was under 10mg. To see so much sodium just… surprised me.

Upon further reading of the little bottle, it says “not recommended for children, pregnant women or people sensitive to caffeine”. I laugh at that as well seeing as I apparently am NOT sensitive to caffeine.

By itself, this tiny shot of energy does nothing for me, but teamed up with a tall can of ‘wake the fuck up’, it does it job as the trusty sidekick and helps out where it’s needed.

Would I ever try this again?: As far as ‘shots’ go, it’s not high on my ‘okay, I’ll drink that’ list, but if it’s the only one available, then I’ll go ahead and snag it. The flavor’s not too bad, but doesn’t make it too memorable, either.

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