So I was feeling a little down and groggy today (I'm talking energy levels here, folks) so on the way back from lunch today, I thought I'd stop by someplace and pick up an energy drink or something to try and get my energy back up so I could finish the work day. I ended up stopping by a 76-gas station where among the small grab-bag of things that I bought, I saw at the gum rack (I ALWAYS check out the gum rack) new flavors of Bubble Yum.
Now the first one that caught my attention was Sour Apple Berry. I love sour candies... mostly sour gummies... so of course, this flavor made me curious. Next to it was the Hershey's chocolate Bubble Yum.
Needless to say, I bought them both.
I didn't try the Sour Apple Berry until I was leaving the office for the day. I had planned to drive by my friend's (and ex-co-worker's) new place of business. While at a red light, I popped a piece in my mouth. Trying to unwrap it was a task in itself. I'm not sure if it was the gum, the fact that I left both packs in the car when the weather started to warm, or a combination of both... but the gum did not want to leave the wrapper willingly. Eventually I got it out and as soon as it hit my tongue... WOW! Yeah, sour is an understatement.
Now I should say that there are all kinds of sours... like the sugar-free energy drink I talked about before. THAT was a BAD sour. THIS gum is a GOOD sour. It was SO good, it took me a while to get into it in order to get a chew out of it. You know how you eat a hot piece of food, and you just work it around your mouth praying that it'll cool down enough to actually chew it? Well, this was a similar case except it was just so damn sour. I loved it. The sucky thing is when I actually got to chewing it, the flavor didn't last long. It was all WHAM! in the beginning, and then fell through on long-lasting flavor.
Later on I tried a piece of the chocolate gum. Now, I had my reservations. I have seen companies try to make chocolate-flavored various things, and they've all scared me. But this? This was good. (I can see all your shock and awe.) No really, it was good. The gum came relatively easily out of the wrapper, and when I put the gum in my mouth, it tasted of chocolated... not chocolated covered gum or gummy, waxy chocolate. It was tasty chocolate that I could chew... and blow bubbles with (although I must say THAT was weird seeing myself in the mirror blowing chocolate bubbles... go ahead - make your own jokes, kids.) What I was most impressed with was the flavor actually lasted a while. Not like the sour flavor, the chocolate lasted. It was awesome.
Would I try it again? Hm, the sour flavor is good for sucking on if you like sour candy. Just put a piece in your mouth, flatten it against the roof of your mouth with your tongue and savor the sourness. The flavor will last longer that way. I may buy a pack again down the line (once I'm eventually done with the one that I have) just to sate that sour/tart craving. As for the chocolate, yeah, I'd probably buy it again. I was impressed with the taste. It would be lovely if they made a sugarless version (since I love sugarless Bubble Yum best), but for now, the regular chocolate flavor will do.
When a company tries to give a chocolatey flavor to something that has no earthly business tasting chocolatey, it almost always fails. I've noticed that when I see the rare chocolate flavored soda, it's always diet, such as No-Cal and Canfields. But I'd like to try this gum. I predict I won't like the combo of the taste and gum texture, but it's worth a try.
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