Tuesday, October 5, 2021

HARIBO Herzebeben & HARIBO Primavera Erdbeeren

After work one day, I decided to run some errands. I went to a couple places, but I usually like to plan my errands so everything is in one spot so I don't have to drive all crazy around town.

So the store I went to was in a shopping plaza next to a Cost Plus World Market - which I hadn't gone to in ages. Not finding anything in the store that I liked, I headed next door.

Now previous to this outing, I had been craving some Botan Rice Candy, but I know once I step into the store, I'll want more than just what I originally went in there for. 

I did my usual walk-around to see what there was to see, and it wasn't until I got to the food section - which is in the back of the store - where I saw a number of things that I wanted to try. I found the rice candy, but then right above it was some HARIBO candies. 

After browsing the rest of the store, I grabbed a hand-basket (which they have a few strategically placed stacks around the food area), and I started to go back through and put things in my basket.

One of those things was HARIBO Herzbeben Kirschgeschmack (which per the package I believe translates to "Heart Quake." The reason why they caught my eye was that a long time ago, a friend of mine lived with her aunt, and her aunt had a snack basket, and occasionally in this basket, she had a small Ziploc baggie of marshmallows, but these were dense and chewy (unlike the fluffy/airy ones I had grown up with), and I became addicted. Later, I was able to find them in the candy bins at IKEA, but they don't have them now, and it made me sad. 


These marshmallows are just as dense as the one I'd fell in love with and are coated in a sweet cherry sugary coating, and I hold myself back from eating them on the way home.

I also found some Primavera Erdbeeren - Das Original (which per Google means Primavera Strawberries. These lovely marshmallows are coated in strawberry sugar and have the very general shape of the fruit they're named after.

Both bags were about 6-7oz, and have been thoroughly devoured. Because why? I am addicted to those marshmallows as well as sour gummies. 


Admittedly, I showed some restraint telling myself I needed to actually eat "real food" and not just candy. And I was good and had some "real food" before demolishing the candy - which, with my restraint, took a few days.


When I tried looking up the treats on the HARIBO site, it went to a German site, with everything in German. So I looked up the American site, but they don't have either treat listed on the American site. 


Oh well. The positive takeaway from all this is that I now have a place to get my Botan Rice Candy as well as the marshmallows that I love. 



Later my lovelies!

Have Goodness!

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