Saturday, February 7, 2015

El Mexicano Coconut Juice With Pulp

Went to WalMart today after work - and after a nap - because I needed to do some errandy things that could all be taken care of in one place and being lazy and tired... a-WallyMart-I-went.

Today at work we had our ALL HANDS MEETING which usually lasts about 30-45min, and we usually have a catered lunch. Today was pizza. I grabbed four slices, ate two, and saved the other two for later... which I ate after my nap. LOL!

While at WalMart, I was feeling snacky but not for a big meal type thing since I had the pizza. I grabbed some fruit and juice and while looking at cup of soup types of things (they used to have these packs by Lipton I had when I was sick as a kid... but I can't find them anymore... there's something about drinking soup out of a mug), behind me was the Mexican food part of the aisle, and I saw various cans of coconut juice.

So I got one.

I got the smaller one and not the one that looked like the size equivalent of a can of a Rockstar. You know, just in case I didn't like it very much.

The can says to served chilled and shake well before opening. Since the can had been in my car, and it was windy, rainy and cold, I felt it was perfectly chilled. So I then just shook it like a maraca and cracked it open.

Now let me state for the record I've had hit or miss experiences with coconut water (hence the smaller can). I usually get the water when it's mixed with another flavor like pineapple or mango - never original.

Also, it wasn't until I got home that I saw the can says "juice" and not "water" - so what's up with that?

The "juice" inside is essentially clear with a slight white hue in it. It also has tiny cubes of coconut pulp... which I like. The can says "natural flavor" - but then you read the ingredients and everything seems "natural"... until you get to preservative word that looks scientific and Russian.

Overall, I like it. It's not too sweet, and it's coconut (which is always a plus in my book). And of course my mind is thinking of all the boozey cocktails I can make with it.

Would I Ever Try This Again?: Um, yeah. It's tasty. And I need to make some cocktails. Yum yum yum!!!

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Marquez Brothers
San Jose, CA 95138

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