Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Restaurant: The Melt

This place has been on my mind for a while, and even though I've only been there once, I totally fell in love with the place and wish it were closer to my house.

A few weeks ago, I took a friend to the airport.  The night before we were hanging out looking for dinner suggestions.  (A group of us were planning a night to play catch-up since we hadn't really seen each other since the holidays).  One of the places we came across was a new establishment whose name alone caught my attention and piqued my curiosity.  When we clicked the link, I got all kinds of happy.

A few years ago, I saw some place featured on the Food Network that served up grilled cheese sandwiches and soup, and I immediately thought that was such an awesome idea and wanted a place like that near me because I am a HUGE fan of grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup.

Comfort food FTW!!!

Now I couldn't remember the place I saw on TV to save my life, but I knew it was somewhere in the Midwest or East Coast which made me really sad since it was such a fabulous idea but nowhere near me.


On the way home from dropping my friend off at the airport, I decided to check the place out.  Plus, I hadn't eaten yet that day (a ROCKSTAR energy drink is not a meal) so I figured I'd be killing two birds with one stone: sating a curiosity as well as my stomach.

The location I went to was at the Stanford Shopping Mall, but it wasn't too difficult to spot seeing the bright orange logo shone like a beacon all the way across the lot.  Parking was difficult since everyone and their uncle seemed to be at the mall that day.  I couldn't find anywhere close to park, but that's okay.  I didn't mind the walk.

Immediately when I walked in, I sensed a friendly atmosphere.  Everywhere I looked I saw friendly faces, heard polite chit-chat and laughter.  It was very happy-making.

While I waited in line, I checked out the menu which is pretty simple.  They have several sandwiches as well as several soups.  They even had a few dessert options.

I had originally wanted the Brie/Apple Butter on White Wheat and was leaning toward either the Two Tomato Basil or the Sweet Corn Tortilla Soup.
Creamy Wild Mushroom), but when it was my turn, I ended up getting the special that was being offered that day: The Dirty with Sweet Corn Tortilla Soup.

What is The Dirty you ask?  Sharp cheddar, jalapenos, tomato, bacon and BBQ chips on sourdough.

I also ended up getting one of the dessert melts - the S'more!

They had fountain drinks (Coke products, in case you were wondering) as well as water, iced tea, lemonade, organic milk, and an assortment of drinks in cans (which I think if I remember correctly while waiting in line was Pabst Blue Ribbon).

When you order, two things happen:
  1. They take your initials for your order to call out when it's done.  Or you can just look at the giant electronic board (which looks like a huge iPad) to see the status of your order.  And...
  2. They ask if you would like to "round up".  The Round it Up Campaign, if I remember correctly, is when you pay for your order, they ask if you would like to round up to the nearest dollar which pays for your meal, and the extra money goes to Feel Good.  (You should really click the link since I think they can explain it better than I can.)
The price is decent and the food is yummy.  The meal comes with a little bag of plain potato chips, each sandwich in its own little basket.

As I sat at the table and noshed on my yummy yum yum food, I noticed the bottom of the order screens talking about their food, how they offer gluten free breads and everything was natural.

There were also NO trash cans.  Everything was either recyclable or compost.

The food is yum. 

The people were nice.

They say "All Natural", "Eco-Friendly", "Wholesome"... and I believe it. 

Would I go here again?: Hell-to-the-YEAH!  This place just filled me with a whole bunch of happiness, why wouldn't I go back.  Next time though... I plan to drag some friends with me.



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