Saturday, August 23, 2014

Shrimp Chips - Hot Garlic

I don't remember when I first had them, but I do remember having them young... like when I was in kindergarten or first grade. I remember a time when my mom had forgotten to make my lunch and instead of bringing my lunchbox to school before lunch time, she brought me some food items, one of which were the regular Shrimp Chips...which are baked puffed snacks that taste like shrimp. In describing them to people, I would always say they are shrimp-flavored crackers in the shape of fries (which I thought was pretty accurate). Then people would ask to try some. After having described the treat to them, I thought they would be prepared, but then they'd take one, crunch it up in their mouths and say, "Ew! This tastes like shrimp!" I'd look at the bag... then at them... and I'd think "I told ya it was shrimp. It says so on the damn bag for crying out loud!"

But there's no talking to these people. These are the same people that ask as a question, and you say something like, "She went to the store, and that's all I know." And then proceed to ask more and more questions... as if they didn't hear you say that's all you knew or they think they can jog your mind by poking and prodding you with more questions.

I have friends that do this. I just roll my eyes, sigh and pat them on the head as I smile.

But back to the chips.

So over the years as I've grown older, I've seen different varieties on the classic from my childhood. I usually stuck with the regular since most of the time I only saw Wasabi and Hot Garlic... both of which I took to be HOT as in SPICY and therefore... DEATH!!! (Can you tell I'm a hot wuss?)

Recently I decided to bite the bullet and grab a bag of the Hot Garlic. It was the garlic part that held my interest. I LOVE me some garlic. I had forgotten that I had them, actually, until I went to visit my family recently for the weekend, and tossed them into a bag of road snacks. I actually didn't get around to them until the drive home, and let me tell you... they helped me stay awake a bit.

That's not to say the flavor was strong... it wasn't like licking the sun covered in Cholula or something, but - for me - it was definitely warm... but TASTY! On the drive home, I would grab one, nosh, repeat... repeat... repeat... but it was a small build and getting lost in their tastiness would leave my mouth letting me know it needed a break. I made myself put them away - I think I ate about a third of the bag before willing myself to stop - and then snacked on them this evening after work on when I got home.

And now they're all gone.

The icon is just a big bulb of garlic with no mention of the heat other than the "hot" before it. The back tells you they added Hot Garlic seasoning to make a "spicy, crispy snack". It's also an "ideal snack for any occasion". (Have you ever seen a bowl of these at a party?) And just so you know, it's "made with real shrimp". Not sure what percentage that is, but I'm pretty sure the snack itself would not be on the healthiest foods top ten.

Would I ever try this again?: Of course I would. Sad thing is, this is the kind of snack you have more luck finding in Asian markets as opposed to your local store... but I have come across them in the Oriental/Asian section of my local grocer so all is good. It's a lovely salty snack, great for a PMS treat, and I'm pretty sure there are some cookery type things you can do with them... maybe use them instead of onions on top of a green bean casserole. I dunno. They're just tasty. What else do I need to say?

Manufactured by
Calbee North America, LLC
Fairfield, CA 94534

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