Sunday, September 23, 2007

Clamato Tortilla Chips

Oh yes... yes... the foulness of the world has reached new heights, ladies and gentlemen.

So a month or so ago, I was headed out of town to spend the day with friends. I stopped off at a gas station mini-mart to grab an energy drink, some water, and some snacks for the road (I think I was PMS'ing and craving salty goodness). I usually pick up some of the TGIFridays chips, but this little blue bag in the midst of other plain white ones... well, curiosity got the better of me so I bought it (not without buying other snacks since there is always a chance of non-enjoyment of other snacks... so that's what you do - or *I* do - I get at least ONE snack I know I'll enjoy and get something else as well that I might like... nothing wrong with extra snacks, my friend).

Well, I went on my friend excursion and ended up not eating the chips. I took them home and after a few days, I saw them in the kitchen on the snacks shelf and thought, "Hey, I might as well try these."

My friends... listen to me... JUST SAY NO TO CLAMATO TORTILLA CHIPS!

I held the bag... I opened the bag... and I picked a chip... I put that chip in my mouth... and I made myself finish chewing and swallowed. Oh goodness. Not good. Admittedly I ate a total of two chips to make sure, but really... one was enough. How the FUCK can you make a chip taste exactly like the drink? I think the only time I've had Clamato was mixed with Puccin (did I spell that right?), and for some reason my tastebuds didn't gag. The chips, however... after the two, I tossed the bag in the trash.

They don't even LOOK a tasty color. YUCK!

Would I try it again?: Hell no!

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