Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Restaurant: The Melt

This place has been on my mind for a while, and even though I've only been there once, I totally fell in love with the place and wish it were closer to my house.

A few weeks ago, I took a friend to the airport.  The night before we were hanging out looking for dinner suggestions.  (A group of us were planning a night to play catch-up since we hadn't really seen each other since the holidays).  One of the places we came across was a new establishment whose name alone caught my attention and piqued my curiosity.  When we clicked the link, I got all kinds of happy.

A few years ago, I saw some place featured on the Food Network that served up grilled cheese sandwiches and soup, and I immediately thought that was such an awesome idea and wanted a place like that near me because I am a HUGE fan of grilled cheese sandwiches and tomato soup.

Comfort food FTW!!!

Now I couldn't remember the place I saw on TV to save my life, but I knew it was somewhere in the Midwest or East Coast which made me really sad since it was such a fabulous idea but nowhere near me.


On the way home from dropping my friend off at the airport, I decided to check the place out.  Plus, I hadn't eaten yet that day (a ROCKSTAR energy drink is not a meal) so I figured I'd be killing two birds with one stone: sating a curiosity as well as my stomach.

The location I went to was at the Stanford Shopping Mall, but it wasn't too difficult to spot seeing the bright orange logo shone like a beacon all the way across the lot.  Parking was difficult since everyone and their uncle seemed to be at the mall that day.  I couldn't find anywhere close to park, but that's okay.  I didn't mind the walk.

Immediately when I walked in, I sensed a friendly atmosphere.  Everywhere I looked I saw friendly faces, heard polite chit-chat and laughter.  It was very happy-making.

While I waited in line, I checked out the menu which is pretty simple.  They have several sandwiches as well as several soups.  They even had a few dessert options.

I had originally wanted the Brie/Apple Butter on White Wheat and was leaning toward either the Two Tomato Basil or the Sweet Corn Tortilla Soup.
Creamy Wild Mushroom), but when it was my turn, I ended up getting the special that was being offered that day: The Dirty with Sweet Corn Tortilla Soup.

What is The Dirty you ask?  Sharp cheddar, jalapenos, tomato, bacon and BBQ chips on sourdough.

I also ended up getting one of the dessert melts - the S'more!

They had fountain drinks (Coke products, in case you were wondering) as well as water, iced tea, lemonade, organic milk, and an assortment of drinks in cans (which I think if I remember correctly while waiting in line was Pabst Blue Ribbon).

When you order, two things happen:
  1. They take your initials for your order to call out when it's done.  Or you can just look at the giant electronic board (which looks like a huge iPad) to see the status of your order.  And...
  2. They ask if you would like to "round up".  The Round it Up Campaign, if I remember correctly, is when you pay for your order, they ask if you would like to round up to the nearest dollar which pays for your meal, and the extra money goes to Feel Good.  (You should really click the link since I think they can explain it better than I can.)
The price is decent and the food is yummy.  The meal comes with a little bag of plain potato chips, each sandwich in its own little basket.

As I sat at the table and noshed on my yummy yum yum food, I noticed the bottom of the order screens talking about their food, how they offer gluten free breads and everything was natural.

There were also NO trash cans.  Everything was either recyclable or compost.

The food is yum. 

The people were nice.

They say "All Natural", "Eco-Friendly", "Wholesome"... and I believe it. 

Would I go here again?: Hell-to-the-YEAH!  This place just filled me with a whole bunch of happiness, why wouldn't I go back.  Next time though... I plan to drag some friends with me.



Mr. Brown Cappuccino Iced Coffee

I gave blood today.

Before I gave blood, I stopped off at McDonald's for lunch.  (You know... to build up my iron and also to not pass out and all that.)

When I was done, I went to the Blood Center, did the whole survey/test thing.  I sat in the automated mechanical chair (which I joked to the tech that it was like a poor man's Disneyland), and proceeded to be poked until my blood slid through the tube like a person in silk pajamas trying to get traction on a bed with silk sheets.

I stopped off to visit a friend since I was in the area.  (Thought I'd say "hi".)  I had meant to chill at a coffee house to try and do some writing, but alas, I lingered too long, and it was getting dark.  I had laundry at home that needed to be done, and I didn't want to be up too late doing it... though the time-stamp on this post would say otherwise (I'm on the last load as I write this).

Anyway, the tech reminded me of all the things I was supposed to do and not do...

Like not to smoke for at least an hour - which I find funny since I enjoy the occasional cigar once in a blue moon, but when they say that, I immediately want to have one... just out of spite.  Or not to drink alcohol for 24 hours... which just makes me pout, but I cope.  LOL!

They also say no strenuous activity (which always makes me wonder if SEX qualifies in that category)... but to drink fluids and not to skip any meals.

While chatting with friends, I was wondering why I was getting so droopy and slothy, and as I was gathering my things and heading out the door, I realized... I needed to eat!

I stopped off at an Asian market (same place I got the Rockstar Coconut Water) and decided to grab some snacks.  The entire time I was there, I kept yawning so since I had coffee on the brain due to my failed writing plan for the day (no one to blame but myself on that one), I went in search for some kind of coffee substitute to wet my whistle.

What is up with his fingers?
I found some coffee drinks in the cooler section while looking for some bottled apple tea I had before from there (quite tasty).  One of which were these little cans of with an image of a man in a white suit, red tie, hat, enjoying a cup of coffee.  He looks like he's sound like Nintendo's Mario and be pushing a gondola through the canals of Venice all the while chucking his tiny cans of caffeine to various passersby as he sings "That's Amore".

Or something like that.

Have you tried my coffee?
I also think he looks like film producer Joel Silver, but that's just me.

So knowing that I needed to do laundry, I picked up a can of this stuff hoping it would give me just enough of a boost to stay awake until my laundry was done.  As it was I had separated it into three loads, and the washer and dryer in this place are moody bitches that don't seem to like me much.

But that's neither here nor there.

Of the ones the store had, I chose cappuccino and with that, took my other purchases to the register, checked out, and headed home.

I was fine for the most part rejuvenating myself on pork, chicken, vegetables and noodles that I got from the hot case at the store, but then my energy started to wilt some when the first load was in the dryer and the second one had just started washing.

Come here little can... please work some magic.

Now this little baby "ready to drink" can of coffee is just 8.12 fl oz (which according to the nutritional facts on the side is one serving) and is 112.8 calories.


Ingredients (copied straight from the side of the can):  water, coffee extract, sugar, milk powder, emulsifier (E473, E475, E322), flavor, carrageenan (E407), chocolate.

Now, I get everything in that list (though I'm not touching the weird E-numbers which make me think of high school and college classroom and catalog numbers), but really... what the FRAK is "flavor"?  Is there a bottle labeled "flavor" in the secret coffee lab of this company?

And what's with this statement (which is right above the ingredients): You may occasionally find tiny milk flakes appearing , quality is no problem.  WTFrak is that supposed to mean?  Now I know there's milk powder in it, and there's no instruction like "shake before opening" or some such, but it's more the last part that bothers me.  They could have phrased it better.  MUCH better.  


It tastes all right.  Even though the website thinks claims it's very good! - in my opinion, it's not like "HOLY CRAP!  I NEED TO SHOOT THIS STRAIGHT INTO MY VEINS!"  It's just... okay. 

Would I ever try this again?  Doubtful.  It served its purpose as a "hmmm, I wonder what this is like?" as well as coming the closest to a coffee drink that I could find in the market without having to drag my lazy ass to some coffee establishment nearby.  (Hey!  Lay off!  I gave blood today.  So there!)

All in all, if I was craving a pick me up or something coffee-flavored, I'd either buy some candy or find me the closest Starbucks, Peets or... hell... a McCafe.


Product of Taiwan
King Car Food Ind. Co., Ltd.
Taipei, Taiwan
Reg. No. 5448220102

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Rockstar Coconut Water

A surprising curious can I see before me.
So a couple weeks ago while I was on my way to my friends' new place to listen to our SoCal friends Dusty, RJ and Sasha's internet radio show Dusty's World, I had stopped off at an Asian market en route for supplies (aka apple juice).

The apple juice was for the rest of the Jager we didn't finish the week before (where we finished off the rest of her sparkling apple cider which we think went flat, but it went well with the Jager so we said "apple juice for next time".)

Shot of Jager, topped off with apple juice.  Pretty frakkin yummy people.  That's all I have to say about that.  (My gal pal Kathy W. fixed up so yumscious credit goes to her.)

While at the market, I decided to peruse the aisles a bit since I hadn't been there in a while, and I like me some Asian markets.

What?!  The Asian likes Asian markets?!  Get outta town!

So of course I checked out the candy aisle where I've bought many a packet of Hi-Chew candy (if you can find lychee flavor, send it my way, thank ya muchly) as well as dried salted plums (great PMS snack) and sesame ball cookies (no need to make that dirty, I can do that myself).

But I couldn't find the apple juice.

Eventually I found the apple juice in the cooler section.  The open coolers that stored things like chicken wings or (from what I saw when I found the juice) whole rabbit.  On platforms above the open coolers were various bottles of tea and juice, but I only saw two or three brands of apple juice, regular sized bottles.  So I asked an employee that was restocking shelves if those were the only sizes he had, and he said yes so I snatched one up and continued to look about.

On the other side from where I found the juice, I found various bottles of coconut water and milk drinks which brought to mind that actress Yvonne Strahovski is the new spokeswoman for SoBe Lifewater with Coconut Water so I thought I'd try to find some and try it out for myself.

Really.  I'm interested only in the drink.  I swear. *grin of innocence*
Unfortunately I was not able to find any SoBe Lifewater with Coconut Water.

But I did find this bright blue can that had a familiar logo on it and made my curiosity say "Go there!  I want to see what the pretty blue is."

Rockstar Coconut Water.

Color me intrigued.

I just grabbed the can and walked off looking for other interesting things that caught my fancy before heading to the register.

It wasn't until the next day when I was on my way to meet Kathy W. back at her place to take her to the airport (she was visiting out-of-state family for the weekend) that I cracked this baby blue bad boy open.

Now the can said to "shake gently" so I tipped it from side to side before opening it.  The can said it was a non-carbonated coconut water energy drink made with 10% coconut juice so in theory I could have shaken the hell out of it, but I played it safe and stuck with the can's suggestion of "gently".

Below the ROCKSTAR COCONUT WATER, it said "Energy + Hydration" as well as "+Electrolytes" and "+High Caffeine".  The top of the can said "caffeine, B-vitamins, taurine, ginseng and milk thistle".  Now I don't remember milk thistle from any of the other Rockstar drinks I've had (maybe the coffee ones), but that's neither here nor there.

Again the serving portions make me laugh since the serving size is 8 fl oz, and the can is 16 fl oz.  (Woo hoo!  I'm drinking for two!)  And each serving size is 80 calories... so that's 160 calories for chunky ol' me.

For some reason that makes me feel a little fat since it's just a can.  I mean, if it was a steak, that'd be more filling, and I would feel fine with the calorie intake.

Anyway, moving on...

And now onto the ingredients (with my commentary):  

purified water (thank gawd it's purified - Praise Jeebus!), sucrose, coconut juice (10% all natural), taurine, natural flavors (what the frak does that even mean?), phosphoric acid, sodium citrate, caffeine, pectin (which makes me think it comes from "pecs"), sorbic acid, citric acid, calcium pantothenate (the last word makes me think it'd be found in Pantene), niacinamide, panax ginseng extract (I have no idea what "panax" is - it sounds like a convention.), milk thistle extract ("extract" reminds me of a joke I heard on a cooking show where they had to use almond extract and one of the guys said, "How do you extract an almond?" and the other guy answered, "Depends on where it's lodged."  Shut up!  I thought it was funny), pyridoxine hydrochloride, stevia (I like stevia), caramel color (this I find interesting since the drink is white and when I think of "caramel", I think of the color brown, but hey... I'm not a Rockstar mixologist genius), and cyanocobalamin.

Even though I mentioned this part in my other Rockstar review on this blog, I am presently dictating notes that I recorded on my iPhone while driving to Kathy's that day, and I felt the need to share my silly with you.  (Also, the statement is just a standard form letter.  You'll see if you look between the other review and this one.)

Mission Statement (with my commentary):

ROCKSTAR COCONUT WATER is designed for those who need a strong energy boost when it counts - plus maximum recovery and hydration, B-vitamins, caffeine, electrolytes (It's what plants crave!), and ROCKSTAR's potent herbal blend (crack, crack and more crack) are formulated to deliver that extra kick (up your ass).  With its refreshing coconut flavor, made with real coconut juice (remember, only 10%), ROCKSTAR COCONUT WATER is smooth, powerful and easy to drink.

And then in the teeny tiny print below that (which always makes me laugh):

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any diseases.

What comes to mind when I read the above:

Doctor Dumbass: I'm sorry Mr. Smith, but you have the ebola virus just like in the movie "Outbreak".
Mr. Smith: Oh no. Is there anything you can do?
Doctor Dumbass: Well, there's a new experimental procedure that has yet to be evaluated by the FDA, but it might work.
Mr. Smith: (desperate) I'll try anything.
Doctor Dumbass: (goes to mini-fridge, comes back and hands Mr. Smith a Rockstar)  Here.  Drink this.

Oh, and a little extra blurb.

Not recommended for children, pregnant or nursing women, or those sensitive to caffeine.

This just makes me think of some lady pouring a bottle of this into a baby bottle and giving it to her newborn.  "There you go, sweetie.  Drink your Rockstar like a good little baby."  (LOL!)

Okay, on to actually tasting this thing. 

After my first sip, I have to say, it wasn't bad.  It thankfully did not taste like ass.   

Sidenote:  That phrase always makes me wonder... what is your frame of reference in that comparison?  "This tastes like shit!"  (How would you know?  Have you eaten shit?) 

Random comment:  "Shit" makes me think of Divine from Pink Flamingos and "ass" makes me think of porn... not that I've seen any porn.  (LOL!...)

Warning!:  I had not eaten anything for the day when I started drinking this drink.  (I had a granola bar in my bag, but since I was driving on the freeway, I decided to save the granola bar retrieval for when I got to Kathy's.) 

Warning!  Tangent approaching...:  The last time I drank an energy drink without eating... yeah, that was pleasant, let me tell you. (sarcasm)  It was all kinds of weirdness going on.  I was like sleep-drunk and regular-drunk and hyper... but not too hyper. 

Warning!  Tangent commencing in 5... 4... 3... 2... 1...:  I've always had an issue with energy drinks that don't really do anything for me.  They don't really give me that "extra kick" they claim toIn general, things that are supposed to keep me awake and make me tired... don't, and I don't know why.  When I was a kid, I think it was because I was little and still getting used to meds and whatnot, so when I was sick, and my mother would give me meds that said "may cause drowsiness, do not operate heavy machinery, blah blah blah", and I'd pass out.  Now I don't recall if I was actually sleepy before I took the meds, and I just naturally fell asleep, but I just assumed it was the meds.

SO much better tasting than Triaminic!
My mother got mad at me once because when I was sick she gave me the yummy grape-flavored Dimetapp (I say yummy since it tasted WAY better than the Triaminic stuff she gave me and my brother.  Yuk!)  Anyway, she gave it to me one night, but I didn't get tired.  I couldn't sleep.  And since I was little, I couldn't get up and watch TV or even turn my light on to read (like I can now when I can't sleep) because my mom would tell me to go to bed.  So I'd just sit in bed in total darkness listening to the night noises or think up stories (I was a writer even then) or sometimes I turned my radio on really low.  When I told her about it later on, she said the reason I didn't get tired and fall asleep was because I didn't lay down.  Since I was sitting, the medicine couldn't go through my body.

I love my mom.  She's so cute.

Tangent over.  Back to energy drinks.

Now I usually have to have a serious dose of whatever I'm taking to have any effect on me - some amount more than the recommedned dosage.  As far as energy drinks for me go, the perfect combo that does not make me vibrate is a 15/16 fl oz can of whatever (in this case we'll say Rockstar) and a small "5 Hour Energy Shot" size bottle of go-juice in addition to that.
That's perfect.

After my second sip, I can still say that it's not bad.  Not gross.  The taste is pleasant and somewhat happy-making.  

Not like a Monster I once before.  They didn't have any AMP, and the gas station I was at had a very limited supply of drinks.  I think it was the blue one.  It was gross.  

If anything ever tasted of ass... *ick*

This Rockstar actually tastes like coconut water.  It's not like when products say "This tastes like (insert flavor here)", and you taste it, and it tastes NOTHING like that.

And it looks like actual coconut water inside the can (which still makes me wonder about the caramel coloring.  I know certain colors blend together and all, but...)  *shrug*

Would I ever try this again?  Yes indeedily-deed.  It tasted good, and sort of perked me up some (but then again it could just have been the company I was keeping on my drive, and I don't mean just me).  It seems that coconut water is becoming the next health food mainstream craze.  I had tried regular coconut water before, and it was all right.  It seems like the popular food industry has exhausted all the anti-oxidant berries and have started adding coconut water to things.  Makes me wonder what will be next.


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